Albino Alligators

The Video Game Patrol

Patrol Information

Patrol Yell: We are gators bum da bum bum bum bum bum

Patrol Animal: Albino Alligator

Patrol Flower: Dohlia

Patrol Laws: Make sure to follow the scout oath, Law, and outdoor code. Do your best and give it your 100 percent

Patrol Sport: Soccer, Basketball, Chess, Tennis, Football

Patrol Theme: Alligators and Crocodiles

Patrol Food: Subway, Mountain Mikes, Chipotle, Chick Fille, Panda Express, Veggie Garden, Burrito



Royaneh Gladiators: Third Place

Patrol Outings

Scouting for Food 2020

Collected Weight : 123 kg


Dominic Tai-Ho Christopher Bae Anderson Choi
Shaun Conrad Arjun Gupta Erik Jensen
Arya Kumar Matthew Luenberger Michael Luk
Ishaan Parare Michael Saltzman Aman Solanki
Matthew Torokhov Finn Waters Bryan Xiao
James Xiao Arden Xu


Patrol Leader: Dominic Tai-Ho