Coca Cobras

The Coke Patrol

Patrol Leader: Sumedh Kothari

Our patrol is part of the great Troop 37, and we are also a great patrol. We have a good community within our patrol, and we are made of great scouts. We’re known for food (tacos), Tetris, and our Coca Cola drinking Cobras. Also, Pepsi is a crime against humanity.

Patrol Information

Patrol Yell: Cola. Cola. Cola. *fizz*

Patrol Laws: Show up to meetings, No swearing and follow the scout oath and law, Respect your patrol leader, Don’t exclude people, Don’t bully people, Don’t hang up against others, Everybody’s voice is heard

Patrol Motto: Coca Cobras. Make life tasty

Patrol Sport: Basketball

Patrol Food: Tacos

Patrol Animal: King Cobra

Patrol Flower: Cobra Lily

Typical Outings: Go to the sweet shop, Go bike at Shoreline, Gaming night, Sports activity, Play basketball, Go to the library, Drink Coca~Cola

Patrol Commercial


Sumedh Kothari
Matthew Baginski
Jay Dalal
Alex Ding
Patrick Gates
Paul Meyer
Mihir Srivastava
Timothy Tai-Ho
Joseph Wang